Business: 847-998-8228 | Cell: 847-802-9828

Cleaning Service FAQ

Many of our new customers have similar questions. For your convenience, we have answered most of them below. If you have a more specific question, please call us Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM, or leave a message and we will contact you as quickly as possible.

When and how do I pay for your services?
Payment by cash or check is due at the time of service.
What if I am not home when your crew arrives?
You need to make sure your home is accessible to our cleaning crew. If you have an alarm, please make sure it is turned off. Because each of our maids is insured and bonded, many of our clients provide us with keys to their homes.
We have pets. Is this a problem?
No. Just make sure you pick up after your pets and make certain they are secured.
If, for some reason, I need to cancel or change my appointment, what should I do?
We request a 24-hour notice of any cancellations or changes of appointments. A cancellation within 24 hours of a scheduled appointment will result in a $20/hour fee. This fee is also applicable if we arrive and are unable to gain access to your home on the day of your appointment. *The fee is determined by the number of hours for which your appointment was scheduled.
Do you change linens?
Yes. Just leave your fresh linens on the beds you want us to change.
Can I get the same crew on each visit?
You can request the same crew if you schedule cleaning on a weekly or biweekly basis.
Can I have a set time?
We work with time frames and do our best to accommodate your schedule. A time frame is the earliest and latest arrival hour that we can schedule for a crew to arrive at your home. Set time frames are available for clients on a every week or every 2 weeks schedule.
What type of cleaning products do you use?
We use Green cleaning products. It is important to note that in some extreme cases, we recommend using conventional products.
How many people will clean my home?
We work in teams 2,3 or 4 professionals depending on how big is your house and your preference.
Do you provide cleaning supplies and equipment?
Yes. Our maids come prepared with all the necessary cleaning supplies and equipment. However, if you require the use of special cleaning products, we will gladly use whatever supplies you provide.